Life is crazy, isn't it? We ALL have a story! I could make this "bio" about 1275 pages if I told you
about everything that I have walked through. The bottom line is this: It has been my prayer and
deepest desire of my heart to share the healing that God has provided me as I walked through
this journey called life. There have been so many times in my life where I felt that no one
could possibly understand what I was going through, when in actuality, I was never alone!
Having someone that has "been there done that" who can help you navigate through the
murky waters of whatever it is in front of you, who has a backpack of tools that will help you
get to the other side, well, sometimes that's all we need. No judgement, no lecture, no pressure,
but sometimes the cheerleader or the person to fan the flame when you feel it starting to go out.
I want to help you find the courage, strength and use the tools to for you to make the changes
you need. Helping you pull back the weeds that life has brought over you, and help you find
your true identity, (not the identity of your circumstances).
This is where I found the Change in Me begin to happen.
And it can happen for you, too!
Kelly Johnston